Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Fred Tastic

Another important happening 2004 was, of course, Fred Tastic turning 25 late October, however the party was held in November. In centre with the beautiful red, leather tie is the luckiest of the day, Freddie the man. This also counts as travelling, since the party was held in a beautiful old student hostel in Skanör, in the south west corner of Sweden.


Anonymous said...

Heey Marty Magnificent!

My 25th birthday, well, what can I say, maby one of the best days ever.

However this past summer was even better... It was to become known as the summer when "The decadent Kings from BagaregÄrden got fanatically in love with Pinot noir and got wasted in front of the TV every night after work and ended up with equally decadent queens 5 min before the crappy nichtclubs closing time resulting in missed out kebab-platters, which actually, waking up 10:30 the morning after, gives you the equal ammount of guilt. -I will never drink again... It was the best summer of my life". Love you Marty!

martin said...

Fred Tastic!
My beloved friend, shag and soulmate. Love you too of course. And if you dare to move in with me again the coming summer it will be even better. 2006 might be the best summer ever (the training for beach 2006 is just about to start..). You gotta love the Pinot, the Heineken (not to forget the champagne) and whatever we put on the table.. we're the best!

Anonymous said...

Yo Marty,

Stumbeled across som really nice apartments in GBG. It would be great to get a sweet pad it the city. Tempting!!


martin said...

Sounds extremely good Fred! Hands down you must the best man possible to ever share a 'b' pad with.. I'm also looking for apartments, but only the best ones are good enough you know